Rejuvenate Your Body & Mind
A totally individualized approach to massage therapy to support your well being.
Our Promise To You
The key word here is “Individual”. After an initial consultation and evaluation, the most appropriate treatment plan is chosen for you. Everyone’s body responds differently, and has different goals. Jacqueline believes a partnership with the client is the key to identifying the most effective outcome.
Our Services
We Will Help You To Fall In Love With Yourself Again

Neuromuscular Therapy
A deep therapeutic technique that specifically targets muscles in spasm caused by trauma or repetitive strain. In addition to being painful to the touch these muscles lack proper blood flow and adequate oxygen. Alternating levels of concentrated and continuous pressure, ten to thirty seconds on the areas of spasm, allows the muscle to receive rejuvenating blood and replenish the oxygen levels.

Relaxation Massage
Primarily used for relaxation and stress management, to increase the oxygen flow in the blood and release toxins from the muscles, and to shorten recovery time from muscular strain by flushing the tissues of metabolic wastes. Several different massage techniques can be combined depending on the patient’s needs. Technique may include Gliding Strokes, Kneading, Circular Pressure, Manual Vibration and Percussion, and Bending and Stretching.

Sports Massage

Myofascial Release

CranioSacral Therapy

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder
Temporomandibular joint disorders, more commonly known as TMJ, are usually the result of inflamed and painful chewing muscles around your jaw. For some, it’s a once-in-a-while issue that can come from too much chewing, like indulging in a piece of gum all afternoon. For others, however, TMJ disorder can be a chronic issue that results in constant pain and discomfort. TMJ massage can act as an effective, non-medicinal way to deal with TMJ pain. There are four specific therapies that can help you address the underlying TMJ issues, Intraoral, Kneading, Friction and Stretching techniques.

Manual Lymphatic Drainage

Active Isolated Stretching

Who Benefits from Massage
Anyone who routinely stretches their physical limits through exercise, strength training and aerobics can benefit from massage. There are others who do strenuous activities not classified as exercise.
Examples include mothers with small children, gardeners, laborers, trade people and others who stress their body in daily life. Incorporating massage into your conditioning program has many benefits.
Massage therapy helps get the body into good shape, thereby promoting faster recovery from muscle strain. However if you have a sedentary lifestyle for any number of reasons massage can also greatly improve your quality of life.

The Benefits of Massage
- Reduces anxiety, lowers stress levels and lowers cortisol levels, all of which promote relaxation.
- Decreases muscle pain, spasms, and some types of headaches. Stimulates lymphatic flow.
- Stimulates lymphatic flow. Increases blood circulation and venous return of blood to the heart.
- Decreases production of stress hormones.
- Helps decrease the heart rate.
- May improve joint function.
- Serotonin levels increase, promoting a sense of well being. Improves posture.
- Stimulates removal of waste products from cells.

Parties And Special Events
If you’re planning a party or special event, just contact us. We’d be thrilled to help you design a spa day for your group that you’ll talk about for years to come!
Case Study:
A middle aged woman with chronic back pain received four massages across a twenty-day period. Progress was recorded using the Low Back Pain Scale, as she self-reported on levels of pain and interference with her activities of daily living.
Improvement was noted in 9 out of 10 measurements of self-reported pain and activities of daily living, with the only exception being her ability to lift heavy objects, which remained unchanged. The most dramatic differences were improvements in her ability to walk, and in the fluctuating degrees of pain.
The client also self-reported being able to decrease her pain medication and the ability to ride her bike for the first time in years.
Massage therapy is a promising treatment for chronic back pain for patients who may have multiple pathologies, any one of which could be responsible for the condition. Further study is encouraged to determine the efficacy of massage therapy as a readily accessible, lower-cost alternative to more invasive therapies and as an adjunct to regular medical care, when appropriate.
Improvement was noted in 9 out of 10 measurements of self-reported pain and activities of daily living, with the only exception being her ability to lift heavy objects, which remained unchanged.

Some Common Myths About Massage
Hot Stone Massage

“Massages are basically all the same.”
Certainly not true! There are many different types of massage, and each has their own role. Relaxation massage focuses on stress relief and helping to diminish general muscle soreness. Sports massage is useful for athletes of any kind, from Olympians to weekend joggers, and helps to keep muscles and joints in top shape. Therapeutic Massage is geared toward healing specific injuries and keeping bodies mobile while they recover.
“The effects of a massage are only temporary.”
A massage therapist is able to help “retrain” muscles’ memory to help reduce pain and stress on a body long after a session is complete. Having a regular massage scheduled can be a great boon to a healthy lifestyle, and can be a lifesaver for those suffering from chronic pain or stiffness.
“Massages are basically all the same.”
Not true. Massage is safe for pregnancy and can be very beneficial to both mother and baby. Some women prefer to avoid massage in the first trimester to feel more safe, and that is fine. Massage in second and third trimester is more common. It reduces stress, anxiety, depression, and many aches and pains experienced during pregnancy.
Meet Jacqueline:
Your Therapeutic and Relaxation Experts in Dunedin, FL
Jacqueline Hielscher, LMT attended the Suncoast School of Massage and Natural Healing in Tampa, FL. She is an active member of the Florida State Massage Therapy Association.
Jacqueline was led to the profession by personally benefiting from massage therapy after an auto accident. After receiving therapy herself, she then became the office manager for a busy massage therapy salon, observing over and over again the clients’ remarkable recovery from injuries and trauma. Jacqueline found herself wanting to be a part of the healing process that restored many people to wellbeing and health.
Jacqueline began her own practice in 2001 and has taken many continuing education courses to expand her knowledge. She is very dedicated to the profession and serving her clients therapeutic needs, therefore improving their vitality and wellbeing.

Hear What Customers Like You Are Saying About Us:
Your Therapeutic and Relaxation Experts in Dunedin, FL
Frequently Asked Questions
How Much Clothing Should You Remove for a Massage?
Depending on the service you are receiving, your massage therapist will ask you to undress to your level of comfort. Many people prefer to keep their underwear on during a massage, while others prefer to be nude. It’s up to you. Women usually remove their bras to allow the massage therapist to work on the back and shoulder area without getting massage oil or lotion on the bra. However you may leave your bra on if closure is in the back. Your comfort level is most important.
Should You Make Conversation During the Massage?
Some clients like to talk up a storm during their massage. Others prefer quiet. It’s not unusual to see clients drift off during their massage depending on the therapy being employed. Don’t feel compelled to make conversation with your massage therapist. After all, massage is a therapy; you’re not at a party. Many people close their eyes and try to relax. Your massage therapist should take the cue from you.
What is the difference between a massage for relaxation and a sport massage?
A relaxation massage tends to be more superficial, non-specific, connective and flowing. A sports massage, on the other hand, is vigorous and involves the use of multiple modalities, which could include relaxing Swedish-type massage techniques. Sports massage is more stimulating and at times needs to match the intensity of the athlete. It can be sport-specific and should be added as part of an athlete’s regular training schedule.
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Monday Closed
Tuesday 9AM-7PM
Wednesday 9AM-7PM
Thursday 9AM-7PM
Friday 9AM-6PM
Saturday 9AM-2PM
Sunday Closed
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